Not sure if anybody is interested as there don't appear to be many people on late at night, but if anybody wants to I'm up for trying to organize some late night runs.
If you want to do 5 man regular instances, heroics, or even older content instances/raids for achievements, let me know. With me being a tank the ques should be fairly quick if we need to get a couple more to fill out.
I'm on after midnight almost every night and can stay on till about 4 or 5am (server time). We have a lot of guild achievements to pick up (including vanilla, bc, wrath instances), but we need 4 guildies in the group to get them.
If you're interested either reply here, or catch me in game. For the new people who don't know me well, my toons are Mightytasty, Mightyfurry, Mightydead, Heels, Saraid, Bratwuerst, Mightysmitey, and Mightystabby. (though I don't play stabby or smitey much anymore)