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The War Within

The War Within
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11.0.0 The War Within.

I got into the Beta so I will be reporting what I find here.

It's been announced that The War Within will go live August 26, 2024.

When you first log in, you are given a quest "The War Within" which directs you to go to Silithus. You are given a scroll to teleport you there.

Beware that most(?) classes will have their Talent Trees reset when they first log on and you may have to deal with that.

As it's a new expansion, you will be leveling from 70 to 80. Most of the quests will award experience and some gold. A few quests at the start award gear but they're only around item level 408. Hero Talents become available starting at level 71.

Following the quest chain, you will start leveling in Isle of Dorn and earn rep with the Council of Dornogal. There's a town, Freywold Village, towards the southwest in the Isle of Dorn where there's an Inn (@41.9, 74.2). There's a large city at Dornogal (towards the center of the Isle of Dorn) with an Inn, a bank, auction house and all of the professional trainers. The professional trainers will teach you the new Khaz Algar professions. Talk to an Oathsworn Peacekeeper to give you directions. Note that, since all the Khaz Algar professions start at 1, if you want to change profession, this would be a good time.

I haven't found any reason to go back to Valdrakken yet so you might want to set your Hearthstone to the Inn in Dornogal (@44.8, 46.6).

One new feature of TWW is Warbands. There's a separate quest chain marked by a colorful inverted triangle which eventually earns you a Warband Bank. After you have done this on your first character, the rest of your characters can just visit a bank like the one in Dornogal (@52.2, 45.9) to access the Warband Bank.

There are 4 (5?) dungeons listed for the War Within:

DungeonLevel for NormalLocation
Ara-Kara. City of Echoes70-80
Priory of the Sacred Flame70-80
The Rookery70-80Keepers Terrace (35.7, 37.4)
The Stonevault70-80The Ringing Deeps (47.1, 10.7)
Darkflame Cleft80(?)Lost Mines (59.5, 22.0)

Getting ready.

You probably should empty out your bags and your bank. Even with the new Warband Bank and, the fact that the quests so far don't drop anything very useful, it may not be necessary, but it would help in that you wouldn't have to discard your junk items quite so often.

Before the expansion goes live, I would spend your various Insignia to clean those out of your bags, especially if you have a use for Polished Pet Charms or Battle Pet Bandages. Keep in mind that the Insignia are account-bound so you can pass them off to your alts who may have more use for them.

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