Hi everyone- a few of us were talking last weekend that we have some of the older content runs and raids that we haven't finished - things like Black Temple, Sunwell, AQ20, AQ40, and smaller 5 man run heroics like Magister's Terrace- and we've decided that we would like to try to knock some of those out starting this weekend so that we can get them done before the expansion.
As most of you know, we've been running Molten Core runs for reputation (or achievement in some cases) on Sundays and everyone is welcome to come- what we'd like to do, is plan Molten Core for 3pm server time (a little earlier than our usual runs) and schedule a second run after it to one of these other destinations thereafter (we can decide based on who comes and who needs what).
We'll announce it ingame on Sunday as we're forming the runs, but if you would like to come, please be available on Sunday after 3pm server time - you don't have to attend an MC run to go on any of the runs after it - but if you need rep, feel free to come along, it doesn't take long to do a boss run
Prime or I will get an ingame calendar signup sometime before Saturday if you would like to sign up, but signing up is not required.
Alts are welcome.
"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)
"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear